The theme for January is facing the blank page. The prompt for Week Four is writing with friends. Since I like writing for a textural element, I chose to keep it under my layers of color. Covering a blank page is the easy part; gesso, smear Inktense, Gelatos or acrylic is right up my messy ally. How to layer and what elements to add relies on intuition and discovery in one's stash.
My initial idea always seem to take that divergent path. I sketched a Modigliani inspired portrait on a calendar page that became my focal point. Once she was colored I played with additional elements and repeated colors in the palette. Since the final composition took it's turn the addition of Picasso's quote sums it up:
"I begin with an idea, and then it becomes something else."
What do you do when you are unhappy with the "something else" -- do you chalk it up to a learning experience, try to add, take away? Guild the lily so to speak? So I gave it a rest and came back to it later. I decided the three center flowers bothered me the most. I

On to week five.
The week five prompt is to cover the page with "underpaper." Underpaper is the paper we use to protect table tops when we paint. Cleaning brushes, brayers, stamp testing, notes, etc.
Since most of my underpaper is abused around the circumference of my journal I tore the pieces and glued randomly to cover my page. I pulled out the colors and just played by adding more painting and fast doodles. I created the background in a short period of time. The explosion of color called for a party.

I had fun with this page and I even did it without my glasses on! Ha! Talk about freedom.
Thanks for looking.
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